Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Yet another Boring day...

Hey...... So I'm blogging in school again it's 10:13 at this moment and I'm in study hall. The last two times I posted I was in a room waiting for testing to end and well it's been over for awhile now. I'm listening to music on Grooveshark and waiting for class to end. study hall is fun at times but can get rather boring. Grooveshark I'm going to look at some anime pictures sooner or later but I don't know yet. Tomorrow I be putting up some of the poems I've written here I'll post one I wrote awhile back it's for creative writting club I joind....

Tears filled her eyes to the brim
Her mom’s arms wrap around her
Her warmth and kindness fill the air around them
She looks at her child with a confused face
“What is wrong?”
She asks her voice soft and sweet
The girl looks up
“I thought he loved me….”

Can you guess what happened? It's based off of something that happened in my life most of my poems are like that. I may not seem the sensitive type over the computer or in real life but if you get to know me I'm more emotional than you would think, and like everyone else I have my story.
In my keyboarding class we are typing a paper thing and we picked a topic that interests us I picked Self-mutilation (cutting).  I am standing for the point that the term 'emo' can be considered labeling and can be found offencive to some people. I personal know a few people who cut and they don't fit the description that people say they should making it all the more easier for them to hid it. Yes i know some people who cut do have some of the details that describe 'emo' in some peoples minds. Main thing I find the term 'emo' offencive and don't like those who judge.

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